The blog

I have a list of post ideas to make, here is a peek at some:

  • Ergonomically testing filesystem tree mutation.
  • An intuition guide for Quake-like air strafing implementations.
  • An understandable example for the fifth derivative.
  • How to create a basic RegEx engine.
  • Algorithm complexity isn't about "speed".
  • FFFFF: Fashioning Fuzzy Finders For Fun.

Just ideas, I have no clear plans for what or when, maybe one post per year? IDK.

Disclaimer: This blog is completely AI-free, that includes the code written; As a human being, I admit having a strong bias towards text created by other humans (intraspecies communication).

The me

I'm João Marcos (he/him) and some friends call me Moão. I'm 23 and at 17 I wrote my first "Hello World" as I joined college.

Since that, I spent waaay too many nights looking at a text editor.

Here is a small bit of it:

Last year I became worried about my "programming obsession" and "missing out on life", since that, I've been trying to slow down, I look forward to touch more grass in the future.

Thanks, grass.

An picture of me from behind, I'm walking in a dark city night with a yellow jacket.

I also got 8 rescued cats, huge shoutout to them in the order they spawned:

  • Pingo
  • Gota
  • Chuvisco
  • Steve
  • Maria Gotinha
  • Olívia
  • Sofia Catarina
  • Floquinho

Blog theme - edited Terminimal
Blog generator - Zola